
Coronavirus Information Link from PA Department of Health



Regular school attendance is the foundation of student success.  The following resources provide some suggestions to maintain good attendance.  Please click on links below to read more.







Mission Statement
The mission of the Turkeyfoot Valley Area School District is to afford each student an opportunity to develop both the ability to acquire broad-based knowledge in reading, writing and mathematics enabling the student to make intelligent, appropriate educational and career decisions; and also to provide each student with the skills necessary to become productive contributors in their community and environment.

Turkeyfoot Valley Area School District Vision
We believe that each child is a unique person with an individual growth pattern of development.  It is our vision in the realm of curriculum and instruction that we must be responsive to individual differences in ability and interest to help students maximize their potential.  To ensure opportunities for success, levels of ability, readiness, and learning styles will be recognized, accepted and integrated as teachers implement district curriculum requirements for all students.  It is our vision that specific areas of emphasis should not only include needed basic skills and the ability to acquire knowledge, but challenge students to achieve at higher levels, applying learned problem solving strategies.

What's Happening at "The Foot"

Elementary Students of the Month
Posted on 01/12/2024
2023 Elementary Students of the Month ...
2023-2024 STUDENTS OF THE Month
Posted on 01/12/2024
Students of the Month December ...

Upcoming Events

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Title IX
Coordinator - Mrs. Teresa Cook
814-395-3621 extension 252