ESSA State Report Card



Over the past year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) issued regular updates on details of Pennsylvania’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan and the implementation of the Future Ready PA Index, a comprehensive progress report that provides parents, educators, and community members with easy-to-understand information about Pennsylvania schools and student progress.


This special e-message is to alert Superintendents, CTC Directors, and Chief School Administrators to a new, federally required data report, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Report Card.


By the end of 2019, PDE will report additional state, LEA, school, and student group level data via the ESSA State Report Card.  PDE’s ESSA Report Card is designed to provide education leaders and all stakeholders with additional data on student learning conditions and outcomes, with particular focus on equity.  Per Federal requirements, the Report Card includes data elements associated with the formerly biennial Civil Rights Data Collection; these elements include information on preschool programs, safe schools measures, building-level summaries on rates of experienced and effective educators, and more.  The Report Card also summarizes previously issued information including school-specific data measures used for Annual Meaningful Determination of CSI and A-TSI designations this past year.  The inaugural edition of the Report Card is based on information available for reporting in the 2017-18 school year. 


ESSA State Report Card data is accessible via a link on each school’s Future Ready Fast Facts page and will be updated as new data elements become available.  Additional information on the PA ESSA Report Card is available on the Department’s website.


Note: To ensure compliance with Federal reporting standards, every LEA is to provide a link to the ESSA Report Card via its district and/or school website. Attached are directions for linking to the Future Ready PA Index/ESSA Federal Report Button.


We look forward to this important work with all of you as we continue to move forward for the betterment of Pennsylvania’s students.



Matthew S Stem | Deputy Secretary

Department of Education | Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126

Phone:  717.787.2127 | Fax: 717.214.2786

[email protected] |